10 Tips for Recovering from a Half Marathon
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest 10 Tips for Recovering from a Half Marathon Congratulations! You just finished a half marathon at a good pace and now you are looking forward to laying on the ground for a few minutes or stumbling around looking for water. Next, you will […]
What I Love About Running – Dylan Roche
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest What I Love About Running – Dylan Roche I often tell people that so much of who I am as a person is influenced by my love for running. Therefore, it’s a little funny that I never intended or set out to be […]
The Smart Way to Approach Tapering Training for Both a 5k and 10k
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest The Smart Way to Approach Tapering Training for Both a 5k and 10k As a personal trainer who has assisted many serious runners over the years, I have heard this exclaimed numerous times. “You want me to taper my training for a 10k? […]
The Art of Tapering Training for a Half Marathon
Everyone has their own ideas about how to effectively approach endurance training before a half marathon. There are those that will train hardcore right up until the event and then, on the other hand, there are the people that will take a few days completely off right before the big race.
Moving Up From a 10k to a Half Marathon
You’re ready to take your running to the next level. And that means growing your 10k to a half marathon.
First off, congratulations on conquering the 10k. It’s not an easy feat, but you made it.
Now, you’re pushing toward a new goal. It’s double the distance, but it’s a challenge you feel you’re ready to undertake. Where do you start?
What is a Shakeout Run?
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest What Is a Shakeout Run and How May It Help You Set a Personal Best in Your Next Race? For many of us, if we enter a running race, we tend to try to conserve our energy the morning of just to ensure […]
What is the Quarter Marathon?
Have you already run your first 5 or 10k? The quarter marathon may be the next race you set your sights on.
Tips for Running in Summer Heat
Summer weather is officially here. For those who are beginner runners, the first few days of intense summer heat can be a challenge. But learning to run in the heat is an important part of training — it ensures you don’t have to take time off or lose progress, and by the time cooler temps arrive in the fall, you’ll be a much stronger runner who finds it way easy to go faster and farther in milder weather.
Why Should You Use a Pacer for Running?
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Why Should You Use a Pacer for Running? A pacer when running is useful in more ways than one. Generally, a pacer is an experienced runner that runs at a set speed in a race, typically a long-distance event. This helps you finish at […]
Finding Your New Motivation for Running During Quarantine
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Finding Your New Motivation for Running During Quarantine There’s so much uncertainty lately about when races can resume again that it can be a little discouraging for anyone in training — that’s assuming a race is one of your running goals, of course. […]